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martedì, settembre 23, 2003

BILL CLINTON - Esce negli USA una nuova biografia dell'ex presidente Bill Clinton, "Bill Clinton: An American Journey", firmata da Nigel Hamilton, premiato lo scorso anno al Whitbread Prize per la biografia di Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery e autore di una intensa monografia su John F. Kennedy, "J.F.K.: Reckless Youth". Su Amazon.com trovate schede e copertine dei libri di Hamilton, mentre sul NY Times potete leggere un lungo articolo sulla biografia di Clinton, "Portrait of a President, Warts and . . . More Warts".
"Because of its trashy tone and unwillingness to discriminate among fact, rumor and speculation; because it plays into the Clintons' penchant for blaming the media and their political enemies for problems of their own making, this biography has the odd effect of whitewashing this former president's real failures and foibles: his lawyerly evasions and lies, his indecisiveness, his willingness to risk his administration's policy agendas on a self-indulgent, adolescent affair. The main feeling a reader who finishes this book is likely to have is a vague sympathy for anyone unlucky enough to become one of Mr. Hamilton's biographical subjects."



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