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sabato, aprile 05, 2003

ZADIE SMITH - Esce per i tipi di Mondadori il secondo romanzo di Zadie Smith, "L'uomo autografo", che racconta le avventure di un giovane ebreo cinese che nella vita ha un pallino fisso: quello per gli autografi. Zadie Smith è nata a Londra nel 1975. A soli 23 anni ha scritto Denti bianchi, il suo primo romanzo, riscuotendo un ottimo successo di critica e pubblico.
"...'I didn't think the book would take two years to write,' she says, 'but I was quite lazy. And I had moments of fear, of not being able to write anything.' Because of the advance? She laughs diffidently; she has already refused to confirm the sum involved, but admits that it was big. 'Partly that. It did make my life a bit ridiculous really - it made me scared that I wasn't going to be able to finish the book, or that it wasn't going to be any good. But in the end, you just have to forget about it; otherwise you'd never write a word. These things happen sometimes, these freak events in publishing. Next year it will happen to someone else.'..."



Immagine di bimbo che saluta. Ciao e a presto!

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